Arts and Culture Commission
Purpose and Scope
The Commission has two primary goals focused in arts and culture. First, to increase the public’s awareness of all visual and fine arts, including, but not limited to, exhibition of sculptures, paintings, mosaics, photography, murals, and video. And, also, to increase cultural awareness and elevate the diversity within our community.
The purpose of the Arts and Culture Commission shall be to:
- Increase citizen access to the arts by providing leadership, advocacy, and the support for art that enriches the cultural vitality of our community; and
- Provide advice and work cooperatively with the city council to promote fine and cultural arts in the city; and
- Foster and promote an appreciation of fine arts within the city by enlisting and encouraging public and private agencies, as well as the general public, to support art and cultural events within the city; and
- Assist in creating and maintaining a city-wide arts and culture webpage on the city website that includes links to art related organizations and individuals who advance art in the city.
Power and Duties
- To adopt its own procedural regulations, including but not limited to, processes regarding the Open Meetings Act and grant procurement;
- To prepare and present a Public Arts and Culture Work Plan to the Mayor and City Council for their approval;
- To find applicable grant funding and present any match-able grant opportunities to the Mayor and City Council;
- To investigate and recommend to the City Council the creation of Public Art Policies, and amendments to the Public Art Policies;
- To Advise and make recommendations on the maintenance, relocation, or removal of Public Art.
- To conduct an ongoing survey to identify potential sites for public art displays.
- To research, procure, and select art for public display. The selection must be approved by majority vote of the ;
- To collaborate with key institutions and organizations to promote the awareness of all visual and fine arts and increase cultural awareness within our community;
- To research and make recommendations on how to celebrate and highlight the diverse cultures within our community.