TextMyGov is a text message-based citizen engagement platform offered to the people of Freeport.
Select keywords (including those on the graphic below) can be texted to 815.240.2169 and automated replies are sent back to your smartphone.
These replies can be as simple as office hours for City Hall or a link to a City contact list on our website. Specific keywords will produce links to interactive web maps or the ability to report potholes, long grass, or loose animals directly to City staff 24 hours a day.
The citizens of Freeport will periodically see keywords in website posts and newsletters that, when texted to 815.240.2169, will offer additional information on given topics.
Text ‘Hi’ (no quotes) to 815.240.2169 to try TextMyGov for yourself. Reply STOP to 91896 to opt out of notifications.
Text message and data rates may apply. See terms and conditions for more.