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Freeport IEPA Lead Service Replacement Project – Phase 2

The City of Freeport has an estimated 2,300 lead service lines throughout the City. These lead service lines are health and environmental hazards. Replacing these service lines will help improve water quality for Freeport citizens. Freeport was one of the first Illinois cities to qualify for a $2 Million forgivable loan through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, meaning the City will not have to repay that portion of the loan.

The State of Illinois leads the country in the highest number of lead service lines. In the City of Chicago alone, there is an estimated 390,000 lead lines within its city limits. In 2021, despite state and federal funding, Chicago only replaced 20 lead service lines, meaning that the City of Freeport replaced 13 times more lead service lines than the City of Chicago.

In 2021, the City replaced an estimated 261 lead service lines. Fischer Excavating, the contractor of Phase 2 of the Lead Service Line Replacement Program, will replace 400 lead service lines in the 5th Ward, and 300 lead service lines in the 3rd Ward in 2022.

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