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Freeport’s Housing Authority Recognized for Performance Improvements


FREEPORT, Ill.— The Housing Authority of the City of Freeport (HACF) received a letter from the Illinois State Office of Public Housing (ISOPH) recognizing its improved performance over the last three years.

Ending HACF’s fiscal year 2019, the ISOPH found Freeport’s public housing authority in significant need of improving its finances and management. In its most recent evaluation, the ISOPH declared the housing authority’s finances recovered, as well as applauded its improved financial oversight.

“The ISOPH would like to congratulate the Housing Authority of the City of Freeport for its diligence, determination, ongoing commitment, and its partnership in continuing collaboration to improve the capacity of the HACF for the benefit of its residents,” wrote William Dawson, the director of Illinois’ State Office of Public Housing for Region V.

HACF, led by Executive Officer Babette Jamison-Varner, is now in the position to prepare for, implement, and manage future projects. The work that has gone into organizational capacity building has been strategically focused on (1) financial practices and management, (2) health and safety, such as the Parkside Apartments relocation project, security enhancements, and (3) capital improvements and modernization planning.

“I have served on the HACF Board for 5 years,” stated HACF Chair Commissioner, Jennifer Smith-Norman. “I am so proud and honored to have been able to steer this ship to calmer waters. My number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our HACF residents. I credit Mrs. Jamison-Varner and her staff for all their tireless work that ultimately lead to not only an impeccable audit but receiving positive recognition from ISOPH.”

Greta Harrell, HACF Vice Chair, also expressed congratulations to HACF staff. “I am truly inspired and honored to work with Mrs. Jamison Varner and admire her candor and her strong work ethic. She embodies all of the characteristics of a transformational leader and encourages leadership from all levels of the organization. I look forward to the continued successes of the HACF and to working with a dedicated board committed to improving the lives of our residents.”

Housing Authority of the City of Freeport provides access to decent, safe and affordable housing to low and moderate income individuals, families, elderly and /or disabled. With a customer base of over 200 families, HACF is dedicated to providing a level of customer service that is beyond providing housing. The HACF seeks to serve residents in a way that provides assistance in improving their lives for themselves and their families.

For further information:
Director of Communications


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