02-03-2025 City Council Highlights
FREEPORT, IL — Highlights from the February 3, 2025 Freeport City Council meeting include the prestigious department award winners across the City such as the Department Head of the Year, the City Employee of the Year and more.
Award Winners
The City Employee of the Year award was presented to Mark McCullough, an 18-year veteran of the Freeport Fire Department. McCullough serves on the TEMS team, Technical Rescue Team, and is a member of the Foreign Fire Board. His colleagues admire his compassion for others, his kindness in and out of the fire station, and his thorough knowledge and leadership.
The Department Head of the Year award was presented to Wayne Duckmann, Director of Community and Economic Development. Director Duckmann’s major accomplishments in 2024 included reimagining the way the City interacts with property owners, eliminating blight and dangerous homes, and increasing code enforcement activity throughout the City.
Doug Quinn was named the City Hall Employee of the Year. As the City’s Code Enforcement Supervisor had a productive and inspiring 2024. Not only did he complete over 5,100 code enforcement activities throughout the year, he also helped to identify 3,000 suspected rental properties in the effort to hold all landlords in Freeport to the same standards. Quinn was also responsible for the training of a new nuisance inspector. Most of all, his professional and positive attitude is one that is never taken for granted at City Hall.
The Freeport Police Department’s Officer of the Year award was presented to Lieutenant Andrew Good. He joined the FPD in 2013 and has been excelling in his role ever since. His peers praise his willingness to go above and beyond, not only for other departmental needs, but for anything outside of work as well.
The Freeport Police Department Civilian Employee of the Year was awarded to Craig Deininger. As he serves as the Parking Enforcement Officer, Deininger receives this award for his dedication to the department and his community, as well as his bright smile that can often be seen downtown.
Other News
Several members of the City Staff were recognized for their tremendous longevity and commitment to their role in improving the community and keeping everyone safe. Bradley Cox, Fire Department, 20 years; Hillary Broshous, Fire Department, 15 years; Michelle Richter, Finance Department, 10 years.
More information about these topics and more can be found in the City Council meeting packet, viewable here: LINK TO AGENDA
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