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Doorbell Camera Pilot Program


In early January, the Freeport City Council approved the development and implementation of the Freeport Police Department’s pilot Doorbell Camera Program. As doorbell cameras and private security cameras have been instrumental in solving crimes in the Freeport community, there is a need for more cameras in high crime areas.

The Freeport Police Department has identified residential areas in need of additional surveillance for the pilot program by using data from its Shotspotter technology. The program will include areas bounded by Empire Street to South Street, Main Street and Lincoln Avenue to the north, Adams Avenue to the east and West Avenue to the west.

Funding for the pilot program is obtained through the department’s Asset Forfeiture Fund. The Freeport Police Department uses these funds to also purchase an equal number of $40.00 gift cards to reimburse residents obtaining the cameras for the first year of data storage.

As the cameras became available, they were quickly distributed to qualifying, interested residents. This program is one more step towards mitigating crime in the City of Freeport.


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