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Mayor Miller Appointed to National League of Cities Crime Prevention Committee


Jodi Miller, Mayor of Freeport, Illinois has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2023 Public Safety and Crime Prevention federal advocacy committee. Mayor Miller was elected to a one-year term and will provide strategic direction and guidance for NLC’s federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on public safety issues, including law enforcement, municipal fire prevention, natural disaster preparedness, and homeland security.

“Public safety has been my number one priority as Mayor of Freeport,” says Mayor Jodi Miller. “With investing in public safety and crime prevention, we’ve already come a long way. Freeport is not alone in its public safety and crime concerns. I’m excited to be part of a larger national discussion.”

As a member of NLC’s PSCP committee, Mayor Miller will play a key role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocate on behalf of America’s cities, towns and villages before Congress, with the administration, and at home.

“NLC’s federal advocacy committees are a key tool for gathering insights directly from the communities that our members serve,” said NLC President Mayor Victoria Woodards of Tacoma, Washington. “I am excited to have Mayor Jodi Miller serve on the NLC PSCP committee and look forward to working with her to ensure every city, town and village in this nation has the resources they need to thrive.”

For more information on NLC’s federal advocacy committees, visit:

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