Public Works Director Rob Boyer Appointed Next City Manager
During a special meeting on April 24, the City Council approved the appointment of Deputy City Manager and Public Works Director Rob Boyer to the position of City Manager. Boyer will replace Freeport’s current City Manager Randy Bukas due to his retirement in June.
Rob Boyer has 24 years of organizational leadership in both private and public organization, with a strong background in public works and utilities. In August 2022, he was appointed Deputy City Manager and was awarded the City of Freeport’s 2022 Director of the Year award.
“I’m pleased to take on this role,” says Rob Boyer. “I’m very invested in the community, and I look forward to serving the City of Freeport to the best of my ability.”
Mayor Jodi Miller adds, “It was my pleasure to put forward the decision made by the executive search committee and look forward to working with Rob as our new city manager. Rob is a man of integrity and high standards and will expect the same from his team. We can all look forward to the continuation of moving Freeport forward on every level.”
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